Our Partners

Foundation For European Progressive Studies
The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) is the think-tank of the progressive political family at the EU level. Its mission is to develop innovative research, policy advice, training, and debate to inspire and inform socialist and social democratic policies across Europe. FEPS was established in 2008 as the European-level political foundation linked to – but independent of – the Party of European Socialists (PES) and the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D).
FEPS works in close partnership with its members and partners, creating links and increasing coherence between stakeholders from the worlds of politics, academia and civil society at local, regional, national, European and global levels. In addition to this network of organizations that are active in promoting progressive values, FEPS also has a wide network of partners, including renowned universities, researchers, policymakers and activists.
FEPS has ambitions to undertake intellectual reflection for the benefit of the progressive movement and to promote the founding principles of the EU – freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, human dignity, and the rule of law.

Foundation Max Van Der Stoel
The Max van der Stoel Foundation (FMS) is an independent foundation affiliated with the Dutch Labor Party, PvdA. FMS supports social democratic values in efforts for international solidarity in three areas: democracy, development and dialogue.
Named after Max van der Stoel (August 3, 1924 – April 23, 2011), the foundation is associated with one of the most influential representatives of the Labor Party in the field of foreign policy. The Max van der Stoel Foundation is, both nationally and internationally, an ally of the social democratic movement.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) is a German political party foundation affiliated with, but independent of, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Founded in 1925 as the political legacy of Friedrich Ebert, Germany’s first democratically elected President, it is the largest and oldest of Germany’s party-affiliated foundations. It is headquartered in Bonn and Berlin, and has offices and projects in over 100 countries. It is Germany’s oldest organization that promotes democracy, political education and promotes students with outstanding intellectual ability and personality.

Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
The Kalevi Sorsa Foundation is a social democratic institute based in Helsinki, Finland. The foundation’s objective is to promote public debate on equality and democracy and to produce research and publications. The work of the foundation derives from the ideas of social democracy; n how freedom, equality and solidarity can be realized in public policies, today and tomorrow.
Think tank activities take place at the intersection of research, policy and decision-making. The foundation publishes studies and reports, organizes events and participates in various ways in the public discussion.
The foundation is an international actor, cooperating with center-left and progressive institutes bilaterally and through membership in the umbrella organization Foundation for European Progressive Studies.
The foundation was established in 2005 and is named after Kalevi Sorsa, a social democratic statesman and long-time prime minister of Finland.

National Democratic Institute
The National Democratic Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that works to support and strengthen democratic institutions around the world through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
Since its founding in 1983, NDI has worked with local partners in 156 countries and territories, bringing together individuals and groups to share ideas, knowledge, experiences and expertise. Partners receive broad exposure to best practices in international democratic development that can be adapted to the needs of their countries. NDI’s multinational approach reinforces the message that although there is no single democratic model, some core principles are shared by all democracies.
The Institute’s work supports the principles provided for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It also promotes the development of institutionalized channels of communication between citizens, political institutions and elected officials, and strengthens their ability to improve the quality of life for all citizens.

Olof Palme International Center
The Olof Palme International Center is the Swedish labor movement’s umbrella organization for international solidarity and advocacy. It works globally for democracy, human rights, peace and social justice, in the spirit of Olof Palme. The Palme Center supports progressive movements and parties that change societies and people’s daily lives. It works together with its 27 Swedish member organizations and 170 domestic and international partner organizations in 30 countries.
Its member organizations consist of a large part of the Swedish labor movement, which has a unique experience of developing democracy and reducing poverty in Sweden over more than 100 years.
The Palme Center supports trade unions, social democratic sister parties and civil society organizations in Southern Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, based on their priorities and needs.
The Palme Center works to raise awareness and knowledge of global issues and raises funds to finance their international projects. Its work is mainly financed by the development cooperation agency Sida and by its fundraising activities. The Olof Palme International Center was founded in 1992 by KF, LO and Social Democrats to honor the memory of Olof Palme

Renner Institute
The Karl Renner Institute is the political academy of the Austrian Social Democratic movement. In this capacity, it mainly aims to:
§ the involvement of experts from different fields in the development and realization of new political positions by creating a discourse between experts from different fields and the Austrian Social Democratic Party;
§ creating a forum for political discussion and thus helping the introduction of social democratic positions in the public discussion;
§ training of representatives of the Austrian Social Democratic Party so that they are optimally prepared for their current and future tasks;
§ promoting the organizational development of the Austrian Social Democratic Party in order to open and modernize the party structures.

Westminster Foundation For Democracy
The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK’s public body dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world. For more than 30 years WFD has actively helped democracies grow stronger so that freedom and prosperity can flourish. The WFD helps solve the problems of democracy so that democracies can address the challenges facing people around the world – from climate change to corruption.
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